Yes, it’s time to lift the cap on NYC charter schools.  But will the Democratic-controlled Legislature listen to common sense or remain beholden to the Teacher’s Union?

From the Epoch Times:  Trevor Loudon writes that the Socialist Revolution Is Underway in America.

Larry Kudow opines in the NY Sun:  Wait a Minute, Joe — Trump Rules Could Keep Boom Alive Another Five Years.

Pays not to work: How Biden benefits are grinding the economic recovery to a halt.

Bidenomics is already starting to slam the US economy.

The Message Washington Needs to Hear Right Now: STOP!

Victor Davis Hanson: Conservatives Need To ‘Fight Back’ Against Corporate America’s Assault On Their Values.

The Progressive movement is doing its best to destroy every aspect of the Judeo-Christian values of America’s foundation, the wolf is no longer hiding in the sheep’s clothing, it is flaunting its destructive nature.  Biden HHS Redefines Sex as Non-Biological in New ‘Anti-Discrimination’ Rule Change

This is good advice for every parent in every school that is contemplating the debunked agenda.  Dad who decried antiracism initiatives at Brearley urges parents to join fight.

A Welcome Backlash against Critical Race Theory.

The Who’s Roger Daltrey: Woke Generation Creating A ‘Miserable World … For Themselves’.

At long last, honesty.  Facebook Oversight Board member criticizes indefinite Trump ban: ‘Their rules are in shambles’

File this under: How can a federal judge be so blind?  Chief Judge Roger L. Gregory of the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (a recess appointment of William J. Clinton, and then nominated by George W. Bush) indicated that he can’t discern any meaningful difference between topless females and topless males.  Thanks to Robert Knight for informing the public, in his Washington Times column, about Ocean City’s bare-chested women tops off a ridiculous woke agenda.

F.A. Hayek on ‘the Supreme Rule’ That Separates Collectivism from Individualism.

And Then There Was One: G.O.P. Defends Its Last Seat in Queens.  As State Vice Chairman, Thomas M. Long notes in the article, “The division is killing the Republican Party,” Mr. Long said. “The average person gets disgusted and walks away.”  So true, which leads us to ask you:  Isn’t New York (and our beloved America) worth fighting for?

Exclusive: Conservatives Crack Down on Chinese Political Influence and Tech.

Communist China: World’s Biggest Climate Polluter Keeps Polluting.

Cyber-Attack Shuts Down Biggest Gasoline Pipeline in US–Colonial Pipeline.

From Gatestone Institute:  China Aims to Become the World’s Leading Space Power by 2045.

Andrew Cuomo’s pathetic SALT obsession.

Bob McManus opines in the NY Post about the Cost of left’s anti-anti-crime folly: 4-year-old shot in Times Square.

Olympic-sized battle looms over transgender athletes at Tokyo games/Female athletes ‘told to be quiet’

When did unions forget they were formed to protect their members, not their leaders?  Union Leadership Evaded Pay Cuts as Pandemic Devastated Membership

A Pastoral Letter on the Human Dignity of the Unborn, Holy Communion, and Catholics in Public Life; By the Most Reverend Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco:  Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. 

NY GOP leaders pick Lee Zeldin as ‘presumptive’ gov nominee after straw poll

NY GOP leaders pick Lee Zeldin as ‘presumptive’ gov nominee after straw poll

New York State Republican Party leaders anointed Long Island Congressman Lee Zeldin as their “presumptive nominee” for governor following a straw poll on Monday to take on scandal-scarred three-term incumbent Andrew Cuomo or another Democrat next year.

In the straw poll, an overwhelming 85 percent of county leaders said they backed Zeldin while only five percent preferred former Westchester County Executive and 2014 gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino.

Rudy Giuliani’s son, Andrew, did not garner any support while ten percent of the leaders abstained.

Both Astorino and Andrew Giuliani vowed to soldier on and run as insurgents against Zeldin to woo Republican voters and win the nomination.

Zeldin was thrilled that his early announcement for the nomination paid off.

“Since announcing our candidacy for governor, together we’ve built a groundswell of support inside and outside of politics from every corner of our state,” Zeldin said.

“For so many New Yorkers, this is a last chance to Save Our State, to return New York
from the brink and restore it to glory. Today’s vote underscores that the Republican Party is united in this mission, and in November 2022, we will win because we have to win.”

A Republican has not won a statewide race since 2002, when GOP Gov. George Pataki was elected a third term following the Sept. 11 attacks.

State Republican Party chairman Nick Langworthy said Zeldin is their party’s choice.

“Lee achieved 85 percent of the weighted vote. It was substantial, it was representing all regions. I think he really, truly earned this title of presumptive nominee,” Langworthy said.

“I think this will give an added boost to his campaign as he goes to raise funds and build support both in the Republican party and cross over voters.”

Langworthy said he didn’t expect Giuliani or Astorino to be successful in mounting a primary challenge against Zeldin.

“Donors are coming to me and saying, `we don’t want to waste our money on a primary.’ The task is too great. It’s so hard to win in a blue state. A primary would be a foolish expenditure of resources and I think donors would be far less likely to give. I think it’s very unrealistic,” he said.

“There will be more and more support around Congressman Zeldin.”

Langworthy also said he spoke to former President Donald Trump, who follows politics closely in his native state, about the movement toward Zeldin.

Zeldin also has the backing of the state Conservative Party, which provides a crucial ballot line to right-leaning voters — a key for a Republican to have a shot at winning a state-wide race in Democratic-leaning New York.

“On behalf of the Conservative Party I wish to congratulate the GOP on declaring Congressman Lee Zeldin their presumptive nominee for Governor. In doing so the GOP and Conservative Party will be united in supporting Zeldin, fully 16 months before the 2022 gubernatorial election giving his campaign the time and resources to successfully challenge scandal-scarred Democrat Andrew Cuomo or whomever the Democrats decide to put up,” said state Conservative Party chairman Gerard Kassar..

“The Conservative Party looks forward to campaigning with the Congressman in every corner of our state from now until Election Day 2022.”

Astorino vowed to wage a primary despite the results.

“The three million Republicans throughout New York will be deciding who the strongest candidate is in next June’s primary, not a few dozen party insiders, many of whom have told me they were pressured into making an endorsement they weren’t ready to make. This early straw poll is meaningless and eventually I’ll be the straw that breaks Cuomo’s back next November,” Astorino said in a statement.

Giuliani — who served as a White House aide to former President Donald Trump and whose campaign issued its own poll on Sunday claiming he led Zeldin by eight points among likely Republican voters statewide — dismissed the straw poll results. He said the preference of rank-and-file Republican voters, not party poohbahs, is what matters.

“It’s up to the 2.9 million registered Republicans in New York State,” Giuliani said after the vote.

“We ultimately can win this thing. We present them [the voters] with the best chance for a Republican to take back New York. We can appeal to more crossover voters.”

Giuliani is holding two fundraisers, including one Tuesday night at Empire Steak House in Midtown. Former presidential candidate Steve Forbes is the featured speaker.



Breaking:  Cuomo declares new state of emergency, this time for gun violence.  Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new emergency declaration admits ““This is normally not a state role. This is not what we do as a state government. But these are not normal times.”  You are right Gov. Cuomo; the institution of the NY SAFE Act, the numerous bills signed by you in the name of “Criminal Justice Reform”; allowing those arrested to be turned loose without out bail, a Parole Board determined to release violent criminals and looking the other way when misdemeanors are committee, all things that you have encouraged and signed into law, have created an environment that is “not normal times.”  Governor Cuomo, you are part and parcel of creating the increase in crime and it is time you admit that your agenda is responsible.  What you are proposing will do little to the senseless crime wave.  It is shameful that you are using the increasing crime statistics to bolster your decreasing poll numbers.

Larry Kudlow opines in the NY Sun on How Democrats Are Fleeing Principles of the Declaration of Independence.

File this under:  I just cannot let go of the power I have!

File this under:  Against our US Constitution.  (Click here for voting requirements.)

Mass Immigration Turned California Blue, And Your State Might Be Next.

Peter Warren writes in the Empire Center that Emergency Billions Pose Opportunity—and Risk—for NYS Schools.

Rep. Ron Estes: Biden’s economic crisis – his wasteful spending will crush recovery. Here’s what we have to do.

Denzel Washington’s Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS.

The Biggest Thing That Separates Authoritarians from Supporters of Freedom.

Biden Administration Announces Campaign to Make it Easier for Millions of Immigrants to Become Citizens.

Why Are Lawmakers Agreeing to Send Armies of IRS Agents After American Small Businesses?

China: A Colossus with a Foot of Clay.

Communist China’s Genocidal Crackdown on Uyghur Intellectuals.

Top Biden Allies Worked for Group with Close Ties to Chinese Communist Party.

What is China Buying in the Biden Administration?

Something to think about:  China Courts US Consumers Through a Familiar Storefront in Amazon.

This is extremely disappointing news; why does America’s largest teachers’ union what to undermine all the good America has done in its very short history?  Teach all of our history to let our students know that we are matchless when it comes to fixing our shortcomings.  Most of all they (teachers’ unions) must divorce themselves from their marriage to the bible of Saul David Alinsky.  America’s Largest Teachers’ Union Votes to Help Members ‘Fight Back Against Anti-CRT Rhetoric’.

Embracing critical theory, teacher’s union says they — not parents — control what kids learn.

Frederick Douglass’ Other Fourth of July Speech Is Particularly Timely in 2021.

Rep. Byron Donalds writes in the Washington times that the Divisive critical race theory spits on the Civil Rights Movement.

Stop Gaslighting Parents on Critical Race Theory.

Another great opinion piece by Robert Knight writing for the Washington Times:  Democrats’ gaslighting of America: Read or watch the corrupt media at your own risk.

Is The United States Defined by 1619 Or 1776?

Happy birthday to a great and good nation, the USA.

Then you have the left:  Liberals, media turn July 4th into America bashfest.

Joe Concha Goes After the ‘Woke Mob’ At The New York Times For Calling the American Flag ‘Divisive’.

Why Parents Are in Court Over Online ‘Portal’ Where Students Anonymously Accuse Each Other.

The July 2, 2021 editorial in the New York Sun:  The Hamburger Court.

Is it possible to avoid this dire prediction?  Economist Nouriel Roubini warns of ‘train wreck’ stock market crash and ‘stagflation’.

How Biden’s corporate tax hikes will hurt working people.

Beware of the ‘economic transformation’ John Kerry is promising.

The Wall Street Journal (Subscription required) editorial says:  Defund Joe Biden’s IRS.

‘DC excuse-making’: Voters blame Biden and Democrats, not filibuster, for gridlock.



From the Albany Times Union editorial board:  The scandals aren’t going away, Governor Cuomo.

Taxpayers fork over $800K to lawyers repping Cuomo, top aides in nursing home probe — so far.

ICYMI:  Andrew Cuomo’s campaign pays for sex-harass lawyer despite his claims.

From the NY Post’s editorial page:  NY’s Clean Slate bill takes second chances too far.

White House ‘flagging’ posts for Facebook to censor over COVID ‘misinformation’.

Surgeon General Urges Social Media Platforms to Confront COVID Misinformation ‘Wildfire’.

I wonder if is this article is placed on social media, how long it will be available before removed:  The Panic Pandemic/Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus.

Fascism goes public with promise to keep you safe

“If You Do Not Have Free Speech, You Are Not Free”.

Rep. Donalds says Big Tech censorship ‘absolutely’ a free speech issue: Biden has ‘hand in the cookie jar’

Appeals Court Agrees to Review Decision on Big Tech’s Section 230 Immunity.

Legal Group Launches Effort to Learn About Biden Administration’s Coordination With Big Tech.

Larry Kudlow:  Biden, Psaki Attack Communism — While Strumming the Internationale and Boom. Trump Clobbers Biden, Big Tech — With the Constitution.

From Gatestone Institute:  America is Back: What Did it Do?

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times about Fake conservatives target Tucker Carlson.

Cuban protests expose the American Left’s moral hypocrisy.

What the Protests in Cuba Tell Us About the Left’s Agenda for America.

Slanted Cuba coverage echoes media’s failure to expose Soviet atrocities.

Hans von Spakovsky: Texas Democrats’ outrageous claims about election reforms have no connection to reality.

US, allies blame China-linked hackers for Microsoft Exchange breach.

China is buying up American farms. Washington wants to crack down.

Gordon G. Change writes in Gatestone Institute: China Preparing to Expropriate Foreign-Held Tech Shares.

He (Joe Biden) does realize he is the President, not a late night comedian, right?  Biden Argues Massive Government Spending Will Help Fend Off Inflation, Not Exacerbate It.  Maybe President Biden should be reading newspapers and listening to newscasts by real journalists instead of having biased staff write his talking points.  Top Wall Street Executives Say Inflation Could Be Worse Than Predicted.

Kimberly Hermann writes in City-Journal: The People v. Critical Race Theory/Lawsuits are a vital tool in the struggle against race-based programming in public schools.

From the Daily Signal:  Why Families Are Key to Saving America.

The “left” says the “right” is intolerant; really?  Listen to this:  ‘Let Them Die,’ Intolerant PTA, NAACP Official Says of Critical Race Theory Foes.  What makes this clip even more disappointing is the people applauding when Michelle Leete finished.



Governor Cuomo, the photos you used in your live press statement, were taken in public places with people who were more than willing to be welcomed in your established manner; there is NO comparison with a very public display and what happened in the privacy of the encounters as described to the Attorney General’s investigators.

Your press conference, was undoubtedly designed to provide an explanation of your egregious behavior, it did not.  In fact, it made it even more egregious, now that we know you have personal knowledge of sexual misconduct.  Nothing you can say, do, ask forgiveness for, will change the fact that you crossed the line.  As you noted, you are the Governor of New York State, and while only “human” like the 19 million people who live in New York State, as Governor you are expected to be a leader – a person to set a good example — not a debaucher who believes he is permitted to caress an assistant in your employ or the general public.

The Attorney General’s report noted New York governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, among them current and former state employees, in violation of federal and state law, yet stated the report is “is civil in nature and does not have criminal consequences.”  National Review is reporting that Anne Clark, one of the lead investigators for the probe, said prosecutors may look at the evidence contained in the report and determine whether to press charges.

It is imperative that criminal charges are filed; if not, how will any person ever have faith that they will be protected from such unwarranted, harassing and degrading actions by an employer, or for that matter another individual.

Governor Cuomo stated, in his presser, he will have yet another training session for himself and employees.  With out his resigning and facing criminal charges it will just as meaningless as the one state employees are required to take now.

NY Attorney General: Gov. Cuomo Sexually Harassed Women.

Gov. Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, probe finds.

BREAKING: Cuomo Investigation Report Released.

Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women in violation of state and federal law, NY AG finds.

Investigation finds Cuomo sexually harassed several women, violated laws.

Cuomo refuses to resign after bombshell sexual harassment report.

Flashback: Democrats Used to Love Andrew Cuomo Like He Loves Harassing Women.

Busted: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Crafted Response to Governor Cuomo’s Scandal.

Breaking:  Albany DA criminally investigating Cuomo, will request evidence from AG sexual harassment probe.

Lawmakers to consider next steps as chances of a Cuomo impeachment increase.

In other news:

In another blatant display of abuse of power:  NYC to be first in nation to require proof of vaccination for indoor restaurants, gyms, shows.  DeBlasio still clings to the Castro regime’s lust of control.

Cuomo Pushes Private Businesses to Mandate ‘Vaccine-Only’ Admission.

A Conservative Plan to Replace the Progressive Welfare State in 2024, by Donald Devine.

Deroy Murdock writes:  Critical Race Theory Mutilates Centuries-Old Legacy of Interracial Cooperation.

Everyone is entitled to retire, but this mans retirement will be a great loss to those who truly depend on his genuine humanity.  Woodson Center Celebrates 40 Years of Transforming Poor Neighborhoods as Founder Announces Retirement.

A report from the Heritage Foundation:  COVID-19 and Federalism: Public Officials’ Accountability and Comparative Performance.

Texas Man Gets 11 Years for Buying Homes, Cars With $25 Million in COVID-19 Relief.  (And you can be certain he isn’t the only scammer…)

America Not So Racist After All, Black Ex-Cop Concludes in Reality Check.

Despite Union Efforts, School Choice Gains New Ground.

Cuomo’s insulting resignation speech — self-serving to the end

Cuomo’s insulting resignation speech — self-serving to the end

It’s not me. It’s you.

That was Andrew Cuomo’s self-serving, tone-deaf resignation Tuesday. New Yorkers have always known he was a hugger, a kisser. But “the lines have shifted” so suddenly you can’t do that anymore, he said with a “Mad Men”-esque expression of shock. What’s a little groping between a boss and his aide? You can’t do that anymore??

Cuomo finally did the right thing, saying he was going to be out of office in 14 days. But despite his pleas of “I accept full responsibility,” he accepted none at all. He blamed a “hot” political environment. He blamed his enemies. He blamed Twitter. He claimed holding men to account was “unsustainable for society.”

Then he mansplained how much he’s done for New York, skipping over the nursing home fiasco, the book he forced his staff to work on, the disastrous bills he didn’t block. 

He said it was “in the best interest” of New York state that he serve, but it was going to cost too much money and take too much effort to impeach him. No, he didn’t do anything wrong. It’s that it would be too much of a distraction to try him for it.

“You know me,” Cuomo said. 

Yes, we do. You’re the egocentric governor who never accepted any blame, never showed a shred of regret, but attacked all his enemies with rabid hatred. 

No, Andrew. It’s not us. It was always you. 

Liberal Democrats in the us Senate Send a Warning to the us Supreme Court Based on a Gun Case Filed in New York.

Liberal Democrats in the us Senate Send a Warning to the us Supreme Court Based on a Gun Case Filed in New York.

Over 50% of NYCHA employees earned overtime; the question becomes why were so many apartments still in disrepair?  Reprehensible.

Kyle Sammin writes in National Review about a socialist predecessor of Ocasio-Cortez in Congress.  Mr. Sammin’s article gives his readers a good history lesson; one that Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez should be aware of since her beliefs are so similar to those of Congressman Vito Marcantonio.

When it comes to health care, socialists are at the forefront; Elad Vaida asks this question,  if Medicare is for all, why not Chevrolets for all, in his Daily Signal article.

‘Medicare for All’ Will Further Lower Physician Morale.

Meet the titans of finance, tech and philanthropy funding New York’s socialist surge.

Maria McFadden Maffucci writes in Newsmax how Bill de Blasio is wrong to call abortion a ‘sacred choice.

Claws out after Trump administration overhauls ‘bureaucratic’ Endangered Species Act.

Mark Krikorian opines on Trump’s Commonsense Rule on Immigrant Welfare Use.

Christopher Tremoglie writes in National Review that conservatives need courage.  (As a side note, he should come to New York State where he would meet a lot of conservatives with courage.)

Robert Knight gives insight into the scary lessons from history.

A gun case filed in New York has stirred liberal democrats in the US Senate to send a stunning warning to Supreme Court: ‘Heal’ or face restructuring.

The Promise and Pitfalls of Universal Background Checks.

Gregg Jarrett: Comey’s FBI was running a secret counterintelligence operation against Trump, new docs show.

The Democratic Party Wants Your Tax Dollars – To Pay For Their Campaigns.

The Democratic Party Wants Your Tax Dollars – To Pay For Their Campaigns.

Unelected members of a created commission are preparing to spend $100M on public financing to help fund candidates’ campaigns according to an article by Michael Gromley in yesterday’s Newsday.  Mike Gormley writes that it is almost a foregone conclusion that this will definitely be sanctioned by the commission members and that the elected officials – charged with making these decisions – will abdicate their responsibility and not challenge the Commission’s  decision.  The Conservative Party strongly disagrees with the legislative intent of the Commission and has filed a lawsuit in the NYS Supreme Court; only duly elected members of the legislature – not those appointed by elected officials – have the responsibility to write the laws that govern New York’s citizens.  Read the article to understand just how far Jay Jacobs plans to go with public financing and while he is euphoric about using your money to pay for campaigns, he will be absolutely gleeful if he can end fusion voting at the same time.

Before Mr. Jacobs is overcome with joy, perhaps he should read this:  Cuomo’s Push to Ban Fusion Voting Could Violate State Constitution.  Ross Barkin explains in, that Chairman/Commissioner Jacobs may be counting his chickens before they are hatched.  Former Assembly Member Richard Brodsky, currently representing the Working Families Party, doubts that any Supreme Court Judge will “shrug off three Court of Appeals decisions…”

Then there is today’s NY Post editorial:  Why judges will end up writing New York’s new campaign laws.  The editorial states in part that “the larger problem, though, is the whole gimmick of the people’s elected representatives passing the business of writing new election and campaign law off to a bunch of appointees.”  The NY Post editorial ends with this “The whole thing is making a farce of representative government.”   To this the Conservative Party says:  how true, the men and women who what to use your tax dollars (so much easier than reaching out to you for your financial support) to get elected are willing to appoint a commission to make the decision they are elected to make so they can say, “I didn’t vote to do that.”


What makes a union decide to shrink: Avoiding accountability

Cuomo’s pricey wind-power gift to unions.

Ken Girardin explains the Democrats’ plan for a nationwide giveaway to public-sector unions.

All those worried about the warmer summers, should read this:  Official readings show no warming in US over last 15+ yrs.

As your children or grandchildren head off to college, put this book into their backpack:  ‘Debunking Howard Zinn’

Bernie:  You are so out of touch with the real world.  Bernie Sanders proposes canceling $81 billion U.S. medical debt.

So good to see former Secretary of Defense James Mattis on Fox and Friends this morning and reading his words of wisdom from Jim Geraghty ‘s Morning Jolt column.

He probably thinks he is overworked:  De Blasio logged a 7-hour work month at City Hall.

New York public school enrollment: back to early 1990s, and still falling.

Eighteen Years Later: The Day Before New York’s Day Of Infamy

Eighteen Years Later: The Day Before New York’s Day Of Infamy

Kudos to Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato, D-Queens  who sponsored, passed and the had the Governor sign legislation that adds 9/11 to the list of holidays to be commemorated in schools and allows public schools in New York every 9/11 to memorialize the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.  It has been 18 years, since that horrific day etched its graphic images of people desperately trying to survive while police and firefighters ran toward the burning Twin Towers; 18 years that far too many families have only memories of their loved ones; 18 years that still haven’t healed our broken hearts and 18 years that we have resolved to never let America be vulnerable again.  America will never forget that Tuesday morning which began with clear blue skies and hardly a cloud to be found and ended with, flames, concrete dust, twisted steel, and bodies of our family, friends and neighbors amongst the rubble of two towers that were the iconic symbol of lower Manhattan’s skyline.  America was one nation 18 years ago; we must rekindle, remember and respect that we are still that same one nation before our enemy’s believe what they see as our discord is a weakness they can and will exploit.

Tom Wrobleski shares his concern that 9/11 is becoming another forgotten day in American history in the Staten Island Advance.  Well worth the read.

Conservatives support the nomination of Eugene Scalia for Secretary of Labor.

Can you believe this?  New York Times writer’s advice to Democrats: Lie about what you believe to defeat Trump.

Check out our latest video posted on our website:  This is your government New York.  It is the first one under videos.

Good news that the main street media will not report on:  Over 6 Million Americans Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump Presidency.

Big Labor really does not respect the US Supreme Court decision in Janus vs. AFSCME.

Dennis Prager opines on the equation that explains evil.

The Post Journal’s editorial:  State Should Write Own Laws, Not Rely on Commissions.

In case you missed our press release on the Commission’s meeting today, you can read it here.

Why the system failed to stop Nikolas Cruz — and could do it again.

From  Editorial — Self-imposed blockage: Cuomo blames National Grid for a problem that he created.